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Reverse engineering a mouse embryonic stem cell-specific transcriptional network reveals a new modulator of neuronal differentiation.

Nucleic Acids Res.. 2013-01;  41(2):711-726
De Cegli R, Iacobacci S, Flore G, Gambardella G, Mao L, Cutillo L, Lauria M, Klose J, Illingworth E, Banfi S, di Bernardo D. Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Via P. Castellino 111
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Gene expression profiles can be used to infer previously unknown transcriptional regulatory interaction among thousands of genes, via systems biology 'reverse engineering' approaches. We 'reverse engineered' an embryonic stem (ES)-specific transcriptional network from 171 gene expression profiles, measured in ES cells, to identify master regulators of gene expression ('hubs'). We discovered that E130012A19Rik (E13), highly expressed in mouse ES cells as compared with differentiated cells, was a central 'hub' of the network. We demonstrated that E13 is a protein-coding gene implicated in regulating the commitment towards the different neuronal subtypes and glia cells. The ... More
